Here you get all information about the care and maintenance of your Böhm Stirling engines.
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Please select a theme for which you need help.
- Manuals
- Aligning pin assembly
- Glue Bearings
- Displacment axle + crankshaft oils
- Aligning pin disassembly
- Apply ceramic paste
- Maintenance - piston cleaning on Stirling engine
- Maintenance piston cleaning for vacuum engines
- In-house customer service
- Sureface oxidation and aging
- General Tips
- Speed and operation
- Spare part order
Aligning pin assembly
To press in the small aligning pins, use the white plastic plates with the 3 boreholes, Push the aligning pin into a bore hole, now you can easily easily hold and position the plate. Using pliers with parallel surfaces, the pin can
now be carefully pressed into an aligning angular position for drilling. Stay away from sliding guide surfaces with the pliers, otherwise there is a risk that the part will be destroyed by the pliers' imprints.